Great Grandma Alice

    I can see her smile when a family member walked into the room, I can hear her laugh when my dad asked her if she wanted to go down to the bar and have a beer, and I can she her crying when we went to the nursing home to visit.
    My great grandma Alice was an amazing lady and a hard worker. While she was still at home, she always sat in her rocking chair looking out the window where her husband used to sit, watching the road. It was always good to see her and hear her stories and her opinions and just laugh. Her dying wish was that she was not on any medicine and all of her six children where there to see her one last time. Her wish came true.
    It is always hard seeing someone who doesn't have much time left on earth, especially your grandma. When I had to say good bye to her, I told her I loved her and kissed her on the head as I tried to hold back my tears. Saying good-bye is never easy, but Grandma Alice was ready to go home and be with Jesus. I was reminded that God was there in that room when I walked in to heard the song 'Good, Good, Father' By Chris Tomlin. Our God is mighty and our God is good. He is a good, good, Father. That is who He is.

Rest in peace, Grandma Alice. I love you!


  1. Okay, well I’ll just cry now. 😢❤️ I love it every part of that story.


  2. Praying for you all. I'm glad she could go the way she wanted. Take heart! You'll see her again. <3


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