DIY chapstick

Hello friends!
  I thought I'd add something a little different to my blog, a DIY.:)
So, our DIY today is chapstick! I have never had much luck with making chapstick before and could NEVER find a good recipe... I decided to try again and it turned out amazing! 

Homemade Chapstick:
One part beeswax
One part coconut oil
Essential oil (Optional)
I used orange oil, it gave a nice taste to it:) 

Melt beeswax and coconut oil in small pan. Once melted, add your essential oil (I made a very small batch, only 3 tubes and I used two drops of orange oil.) Let cool for about 5-10 minutes in the tube and then it should be ready to go! You can also add cute labels ect. For mine I wrote: Mad-Dog's chapstick, August 15, 2017. (Or whatever the date you make it) It does not have to go in the fridge, but I would not recommend putting it in a hot place, don't want it to melt! I will definitely use this recipe again, it is amazing! If you have any questions, let me know below! :)

Have a Felicitous Day! 


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