Bella's adventure #18

  I still couldn't believe that Papa was here, it felt like a dream. I walked over to the bakery and spotted Barb walking a little ways ahead of me. She was chatting on the phone, I started to hear what she was saying and it wasn't good... 
  "I tried to convince Oliver that Bella made so many mistakes, but all he did was bring Bella's Papa back." She complained. I couldn't hear what the other person was saying on the phone, but this was her response. 
  "No, Bella actually did just fine. Oliver told me if he didn't hire Bella, he would hire me. I was trying to make her sound bad and it didn't work..." Barb finished her conversation, I could not hear the rest of it because I had to go into the bakery. 
  That is why she wanted me out of there! I should have thought about it deeper... I have to tell Papa! Wait! Oliver never fired me or hired me yet, huh... this sure is not what I expected.
  "Bella, can you come in here?" Oliver asked. 
  "Yeah, give me a second!" I finished up with my customer and walked into his office. "Before you say anything, Barb told you those things so you would fire me and hire her. I really wanna work here, please!" 
  "Bella, I have made up my mind. You are hired, and Papa is taking over the bakery again, we have decided to be partners and we want you to be the manager. Is that okay?" Oliver had changed, I just couldn't tell what was changed about him. 
  "That is more then okay! Thank you Oliver!" I ran over and flung my arms around my brother's neck. I went to walk out but apparently I was going to find out what was different about Oliver...


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